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Our Areas of Expertise

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Our Areas of Expertise

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Premium Education Online

Our areas of expertise are Education (the teaching & learning process), Linguistics (Language Acquisition, Interpreting & Translating Skills), Neuroscience (to improve your brain experience when learning) and Management Consulting (to improve a person or organization's performance).

We offer our services, training, consulting & classes in 4 different modalities:

- in-person at our centres in Buenos Aires (CABA & Greater Bs As) temporarily suspended due to the pandemic  

- in-company in Argentina & LATAM

- online live sessions at our premium business platforms

- distance learning specially designed for those who cannot assist to in-person classes and courses

English Online

Academic Courses designed to make you ready to pass any internationally recognized exam & certification of your preference worldwide at any job, company, country, college and university.

General English Courses personalized with flexibility to adapt to your time availability and pace, to meet your needs and fulfill your objectives (travelling, tourism, communicating using English, using English at school or university, at work or at the office, meeting people, singing songs, etc).

ESP courses:  English courses tailor-made and designed for specific purposes and needs, fields of study, occupations, professions and industries: aviation, automobile, e-commerce, engineering, etc.

ESL courses:  English courses for students of English who would like to get an academically and internationally recognized certificate to add to their CVs and biodatas and to work abroad.

ELT courses:  English courses for student-teachers of English, graduate teachers of English, linguists, translators and interpreters that would like to brush up their academic knowledge, gain experience and obtain academically and internationally recognized certificates to be able to work worldwide.

Interpreting & Translating Services:  oral & written communication services from Spanish into English | from English into Spanish

Neuroscience:  knowledge applied in all our methodologies together with neurolinguistics & neuroplasticity techniques. 

We offer consulting services, training & courses online.

Management:  the latest trends, methodologies and techniques to improve and maximize your staff training, project design, leadership, business rentability and optimize your branding, team-building, culture, organization's performance and management. 

We offer consulting services, training & courses online.

Contact us !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  (open your free account and send us your user's link or name)

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Premium Education in-person & in-company

Our areas of expertise are Education (the teaching & learning process), Linguistics (Language Acquisition, Interpreting & Translating Skills), Neuroscience (to improve your brain experience when learning) and Management Consulting (to improve a person or organization's performance).

We offer our services, training, consulting & classes in 4 different modalities:

- in-person at our centres in Buenos Aires (CABA & Greater Bs As) temporarily suspended due to the pandemic  

- in-company in Argentina & LATAM

- online live sessions at our premium business platforms

- distance learning specially designed for those who cannot assist to in-person classes and courses

English in-person & in-company !

Academic Courses designed to make you ready to pass any internationally recognized exam & certification of your preference worldwide at any job, company, country, college and university.

General English Courses personalized with flexibility to adapt to your time availability and pace, to meet your needs and fulfill your objectives (travelling, tourism, communicating using English, using English at school or university, at work or at the office, meeting people, singing songs, etc).

ESP courses:  English courses tailor-made and designed for specific purposes and needs, fields of study, occupations, professions and industries: aviation, automobile, e-commerce, engineering, etc.

ESL courses:  English courses for students of English who would like to get an academically and internationally recognized certificate to add to their CVs and biodatas and to work abroad.

ELT courses:  English courses for student-teachers of English, graduate teachers of English, linguists, translators and interpreters that would like to brush up their academic knowledge, gain experience and obtain academically and internationally recognized certificates to be able to work worldwide.

Interpreting & Translating Services:  oral & written communication services from Spanish into English | from English into Spanish

Neuroscience:  knowledge applied in all our methodologies together with neurolinguistics & neuroplasticity techniques. 

We offer consulting services, training & courses in-person & in-company !

Management:  the latest trends, methodologies and techniques to improve and maximize your staff training, project design, leadership, business rentability and optimize your branding, team-building, culture, organization's performance and management. 

We offer consulting services, training & courses in-person & in-company!

Contact us !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  (open your free account and send us your user's link or name)

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Interpreting & Translating Services

Interpreting & Translating Services:  we manage both oral & written communication services from Spanish into English | from English into Spanish.

We can help you with any type of documents and texts, subtitles for audiovisual material, web pages, e-commerce, conferences, ceremonies, protocol, talks, presentations, calls, video calls, informal meetings, business meetings, etc.

University graduate translators and experienced interpreters will help you, your team, organization and company communicate effectively anywhere at anytime !

Due to the pandemic, most of our interpreting and translating services can now be offered online.

We count with 3 great online interactive business platforms that will simplify and improve the experience.

Contact us !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  (open your free account and send us your user's link or name)




Neuro-Linguistics | Neuroplasticity

Courses, workshops & training online, in-person and in-company.

We apply all these magnificent trends, knowlege, methodologies and techniques in our teaching, course planning design, training, projects and consulting services.

Learn & Entrain your brain with Neuroscience: neurobiology and the science about our brain and nervous system.

According to the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) the three main objectives of neuroscience are to

1. Understand the human brain and how it functions

2. Understand and describe how the central nervous system (CNS) develops, matures, and maintains itself.

3. Analyze and understand neurological and psychiatric disorders, and discover methods to prevent or cure them.

Neuroscience and Education: neuroscience is influencing educational thinking and practice across the world. Insights from neuroscience are relevant for learners at all levels of ability (including those with disorders, low and high ability) and all phases and ages across the lifespan.

Learn & Maximize Neuro-linguistics: the neural mechanisms in the human brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language.

And how to train and entrain your brain to reduce the posibilities of acquiring neuro-degenerating illnesses such as alzeimer.

Learn & Improve your neuroplasticity:  the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization.

These changes range from individual neuron pathways making new connections, to systematic adjustments like cortical remapping.

Examples of neuroplasticity include circuit and network changes that result from learning a new ability or language, environmental influences, practice, and psychological stress.

Contact us !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  (open your free account and send us your user's link or name)

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Management Consulting

Management Consulting Services

Staff Training | Project Design, Implementation & Management 

Improve your organization's performance !

Courses & training that can make a positive CHANGE !

- leadership

- team building

- management methodologies (SCRUM | AGILE | 6SIGMA | CISCO | etc)

- project management

- conflict management

- time management

- neuroscience

- effective communication

- multiple intelligence & personality types

- recruiting & talent acquisition

- job interviews

- customer attention, service, satisfaction & retention

- giving pitchs & presentations

Management Consulting:  the latest management trends, methodologies and techniques combined with our great experience in education & expertise in neuroscience will optimize and maximize your staff and organization's peformance.

We offer consulting services, training & courses in-company, in-person at our centres and online at our top notch platforms.

Contact us !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  (open your free account and send us your user's link or name)


Interview & Diagnostic Assessment

Book a meeting to have an interview with optional placement test and diagnostic pre-assessment for our language courses, interpreting & translating services, neuroscience and management consulting services

with one of our university graduate teachers & professionals.

A placement test for language courses:  help us find which material is most suitable and which level and course students should be placed at.

And will guarantee that the course, workshop or class suggested for your level of English, age group, learning style, needs and objectives is the most suitable and beneficial for you.

A diagnostic assessment for language courses, neuroscience and management consulting:  is a form of pre-assessment where teachers & professionals can evaluate and appreciate people and organization's strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills before their instruction, training or consulting.

Why is this hihgly important and benefitial ?

We can observe how you, your team or your organization manage and solve challenges and situations.

Discover the person's learning style patterns and personality type to improve, maximize and optimize how their brain assimilates and accommodates new info and content.

With this form of diagnostic assessment, teachers & professionals can plan and design meaningful and efficient teaching (learning), training and consulting services for you, your team and your business or organization.

We can provide students and companies with a tailor-made and highly personalized learning experience.

These virtual meetings (by now we mostly offer this service online due to the current pandemic)  are free of cost for you !

Take advantage of this fantastic technique that makes a difference !

Diagnostic teaching is the process of discovering individual student abilities, needs and objectives and prescribing requisite learning assessments.

Contact us & Book ur free interview !

+54 9 11 6156 9985  (send a whatsapp text message first)

skype user:  mvm consultas  

(open your free account and send us your user's link or name)

Expertise: Courses
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