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Outdoor Study Group

Explore mvm

mvm is an academic community conformed by a group of university graduates, teachers, bachelors of business and educational management, neuroscientists, researchers, and students interested in improving our communities and ourselves.

Education is for us the way to improve our inside & outside worlds, and when we say “education” we do not refer only to scholar or academic education, we mean the continuous teaching-learning process that humans start from the very moment they are born to the last moment they stop existing.

That whole process that accompanies us during all our lives, in all places, at all moments, helps us assimilate the world we perceive outside us, process that input, accommodate that data and give feedback. 

By elaborating and expressing that response, we have created our own world inside.  

This process is composed of many ingredients and affected by many factors.  In consequence, it can be optimized and maximized if you take them into consideration, learn about them from the experts and train to improve them.

Knowing how your brain works, how to understand body language, how you best learn, what learning style you prefer, what your personality type is, what your preferences are will definitely position you ahead and even some steps forward.

Learning how to communicate effectively, how to manage difficult situations and deal with conflict, to maximize time and minimize costs when implementing a project at work, professionally, within the community or at home will certainly benefit you, your business, your team, your customers and those around you.

All this and many other things, is what interests us, is what we study, research and teach, and what I would like to share with you. 

                                                                                                                                                  mvm founder & CEO

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